Liposuction: Types and Benefits

Liposuction or suction-assisted lipectomy is a type of cosmetic surgery that “slims” and reshapes specific areas of the body by removing excess fat and refining contours of the patient’s body. Liposuction is used for contouring the thighs, hips and buttocks, abdomen and waist, arm, chest, cheeks, chin and neck, calves and ankles. Liposuction may be performed along with other plastic surgery treatments or can be done alone. The patients must keep in mind though, that this procedure is not a solution for obesity and is not a treatment for cellulite (dimpled indents of skin that appear on the thighs, hips or buttocks).

During the procedure, small, narrow, blunt-tipped tubes (known as cannula) are put under your skin through tiny cuts to aim specific fat deposits. Although technical advancements in recent years have made this surgery safer and less agonizing, liposuction is a risky surgical procedure that comes with a painful recovery. The patient might sometimes face serious and fatal complications and thus it is advisable to think thoroughly before deciding on the surgery.

A patient with realistic expectations is an eligible candidate for this type of surgery. He/she must have an overall good health, taut and pliant skin and fat deposits that show no change to adjustments of diet or exercise.

Types of liposuction:
Tumescent liposuction is the most common procedure which involves injecting a medicated solution into the target areas before removal of excess fat. This fluid is a compound of anesthetic drug and an IV salt solution.The drug contracts blood vessels helps reduce loss of blood and decreases bruising and swelling. The super-wet technique is similar but involves injection of fluids during the surgery and takes less time.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction uses the vibrations of ultrasounds to liquefy the fat deposits making it easier to remove them. It is utilized when the abdomen, sides or the back area is targeted.

Laser-assisted liposuction uses laser to liquefy the fat after which it can be vacuumed out or drained out through small tubes. This technique is used for chin and face areas.

After surgery:
After treatment, the area that was operated on is tightly wrapped to reduce swelling and any further pain. Bandages, tapes, support hose or any other firm fitting material is used depending on the target area. It does not require an overnight stay in the hospital unless a large amount of fat is removed. Fluids may keep draining from the incisions for several day for which antibiotics are prescribed so that any further complications are prevented.
Liposuction is most effective at removing fat in small areas in lesser quantities. But if the patient gains weight again after the surgery then the fatty pockets that were removed previously will most likely reappear. Body contour improves noticeably right after the procedure and might still continue improving for a few months after the swelling recedes.
Common side effects experienced after liposuction are
  •       Temporary swelling
  •        Bruising
  •        Soreness and numbness in the treated areas
  •        Baggy and loose skin
  •        Scarring and irritated skin where incisions were made

The less common complications are

  • Color change
  • Uneven skin

Although death is hardly a risk with liposuction, it may happen if large amount of fat is removed or if the patient is obese and has other health related problems. Fat clots or blood clots may form and travel to the lungs resulting into pulmonary embolism. Reaction to the fluids injected at the time of operation might prove fatal.

Most patients are satisfied with the outcome of liposuction. The new body shape will begin to emerge in a few weeks but sometimes it takes longer. The patient can maintain their body by leading a healthier lifestyle involving exercise and a good diet.
You can get more details in this concern by visiting: Travcure Medical Tourism Pvt. Ltd.  

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