Tummy Tuck Surgery In India At The Most Affordable Costs With Travcure

What is tummy tuck surgery?
Tummy tuck surgery is also referred as abdominoplasty. This surgery is used to remove the excess fat, tissues and skin from the mid and lower areas of the abdomen and tightens the muscles and fascia of the abdominal wall.  The surgery also removes some stretch marks from the patient’s lower abdomen. Tummy tuck surgery is popular after massive weight loss or pregnancy. Many patients have reported improving self-esteem as a result of this procedure. Tummy Tuck surgeries are not a substitute for weight loss. The surgery can be performed for patients who are in good general overall health and with no predisposing chronic medical ailments. Smokers are more susceptible to complications, poor healing, and infections of the surgery.

Candidates for tummy tuck surgery
The ideal candidate for weight loss surgery much fulfills the following criteria:-
·         If the candidate has had a massive weight loss.
·         If the candidate has saggy skin.
·         The candidate should be in good general overall health.
·         The candidate must have realistic expectations post-surgery.
·         The candidate should be physically healthy and active.
·         The candidate should be a non-smoker.
·         The candidate should be ready make changes in the lifestyle and eating habits.

Types of tummy tuck surgery
·         Complete Abdominoplasty: - Incomplete abdominoplasty the surgeon makes incisions one from hip above the pubic area and one in the navel from the surrounding skin. The excess skin is removed and the muscles are tightened.
·         Partial Abdominoplasty: - In a partial abdominoplasty, the surgeon makes a small incision and removes the excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen. The surgeon stretches the Skin to remove the excess skin.
·         Endoscopic tummy tuck: - This type of tummy tuck surgery is recommended to people who have a little abdominal fat and no loose or sagging skin. The procedure includes minimal scarring as it involves extremely small incisions.

Advantages of tummy tuck surgery
·         Tummy tuck surgery will restore a flat tummy.
·         Undergoing Tummy tuck surgery provides more youthful-looking body to the patient.
·         Boosts confidences.
·         Tightens weak muscles.
·         Removes excess skin and fat.
·         Flatten the abdomen.
·         Provides with better postures.

Tummy tuck surgery in India
Tummy tuck is a type of cosmetic surgery. These surgeries are very expensive in western countries. This surgery is available in USA at 8,500 $ in Mexico at 5,000 $ and in Thailand at 4,500, $ whereas tummy tuck surgery is available in India at 3,000 $. World-class medical facilities are available in India at the most affordable costs. Tummy tuck surgeries have ahuge success rate in India due to the availability of the best bariatricsurgeons in India. Many patients from different countries come to India and avail the medical facilities at affordable costs.

Why choose Travcure?
Travcure medical tourism company is one of the emerging medical tourism companies in India. Travcure provides all medical treatments in India at very affordable costs. Travcure also offers tummy tuck surgeries in India at very low costs.  Tummy tuck surgery can also be combined with various other cosmetic surgeries such as breast lift or liposuction. Package of these surgeries is available with Travcure at the most economical costs. A wide range of services can also be accessed at Travcure by the patients. Travcure offers assistance to patient’s right from their arrival to departure. Food, accommodation, logistics, travelling, fixing appointments with the surgeons is all taken care of at Travcure.


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