Surgery For Fibroids In India

What are fibroids?
Fibroids are abnormal growths which develop in or on a woman’s uterus. Fibroids are noncancerous tumors which are generally found in over 80% of the women. These tumors can grow quite large cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods to the women. Generally, 70% to 80% of women are affected with fibroids by the age of 50. The causes of fibroids are still unknown but there are various factors such as hormones and family history that can influence the formation of fibroids in the uterus. Generally, there are no signs and symptoms of fibroids. Fibroids affect at least 20% of all women at some time during their life. Obese and overweight women are at a higher risk of developing fibroids.

Types of fibroids
There are four types of fibroids
        Intramural fibroids: - These fibroids are located in the wall of the uterus. Intramural fibroids are the most common and difficult to remove the type of fibroids. Intramural fibroids are responsible for the highest percentage of hysterectomies. This fibroid can lead to abdominal pressure, bleeding problems, and painful intercourse.
        Subserosal fibroids: - Subserosal fibroids are located outside the wall of the uterus and can develop into pedunculated fibroids. This fibroids can grow very large with time.
        Submucosal fibroids: - Submucosal fibroids are located in the muscle beneath the lining of the uterus wall. These fibroids are primarily responsible for heavy menstrual bleeding and can produce long heavy periods, cramps, and clots.
        Cervical fibroids: - Cervical fibroids are located in the neck of the womb which is the cervix.

Signs and symptoms of fibroids
The symptoms of fibroids dependent on the size, number and location of the tumors. Generally, women have absolutely no symptoms fibroid but in some cases, women suffer from long heavy periods, blood clots and cramps. Following are some of the symptoms and sign that a woman is suffering from fibroid.
        Heavy bleeding.
        Increased flow.
        Abdominal pressure.
        Clotting of blood.
        Urinary frequency.
        Irregular and painful periods.
        Back pain.
        The pressure in the legs.
        Increased urination.
        Swelling or enlargement of the abdomen.
        Painful intercourse.

Treatment for fibroids
The treatment for fibroids depends on the age of the patient, overall health of the patient, location of the fibroids and the size of the fibroids. Surgery is often recommended if the patient is suffering from severe or moderate symptoms of fibroids. Following are some of the surgical approaches which are used to treat fibroids:-
Endometrial ablation: - Endometrial ablation is a surgical procedure which destroys the lining of the uterus. This approach is used to treat small fibroids inside the uterus. There are two ways of performing an ablation one is with a heated balloon and another is a tool which uses microwave energy to destroy the uterine lining and fibroids. After this surgery, there are fewer chances of women getting pregnant and in case if the women get pregnant after endometrial ablation they are at a higher risk of miscarriage.
Myomectomy: - Myomectomy is a surgical procedure that removes the fibroids and leaves the healthy areas of the uterus intact. This procedure preserves the patient’s ability to get pregnant. There are different methods of myomectomy. This method depends on the locations and the size of the fibroids.
        Hysteroscopy: - While performing this procedure the surgeon inserts a long, thin telescope through the vagina and cervix. Then the surgeon uses electricity or a mechanical device to destroy or cut the fibroids in the uterus. The surgeon then injects a fluid into the uterus which makes the surgeon see the fibroids clearly and makes it easy for them to remove them.
        Laparotomy: - In laparotomy the surgeon makes an incision in the abdomen and removes the fibroids through the incision
        Laparoscopy: - While performing this procedure the surgeon uses a long, thin telescope to see inside the pelvic area, and then removes the fibroids using another tool. This procedure usually involves two small cuts in the abdomen.

Hysterectomy: - Hysterectomy removes the fibroids completely. The surgeons generally recommend this option to patients who have large fibroids, suffer from heavy bleeding or have past menopause. While performing the entire uterus or just the part of the uterus is removed. There are different types of hysterectomy
• Subtotal, or partial, hysterectomy: - In this type of hysterectomy only the upper part of the uterus is removed.
Total hysterectomy:-In total hysterectomy the entire uterus and the cervix are removed. In some cases, the ovaries and the fallopian tubes are also removed this depends on the severity of the problem.
Radical hysterectomy: - In radical hysterectomy the uterus, tissue on both sides of the cervix and the upper part of the vagina is removed.

Why Choose Travcure?

Treating fibroids in western countries can be very expensive whereas these treatments are accessible in India at the much-depreciated costs. Travcure medical tourism company has a large network of associated surgeons and healthcare facilities in India. Travcure helps their patients to find the best surgeons for treating fibroids. Various other treatments are also available at Travcure for their patients. Consultants at Travcure provide customized packages to their patients according to their patient’s personal requirement. Travcure ensures that their patients are provided with the best deals right from planning their medical treatment to visits to exotic places.


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