Why Women Tend to Have More Eye Problems?

Women's Eye Health and Safety Month - April

Month of April is worldwide observed as ‘Women’s Eye Health and Safety Month’. This event aims at raising awareness about eye diseases, promoting eye health of women, and celebrating womanhood. It has been observed that women are more likely to get disorders of eye as compared to men. Therefore, various medical organizations focus on providing best eye care to women and minimize serious eye-related problems.

Why More Women Tend to Suffer Vision Loss than Men?

It is a fact that women take care of everyone around them while ignoring their own health. Studies reveal that hormonal changes during their pregnancy phase and menopause can have an adverse impact on eyes. Eyes may become weak, dry, and over-sensitive to light. Apart from this, women are more prone to getting diseases like multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and lupus as they age. These conditions can fuel up the possibility of severe uveitis or permanent vision loss. In addition to this, high blood pressure can also accelerate possibility of blurred vision or even retinal detachment. Therefore, women must get indulged in regular eye check-ups once they reach the age of 40 to avoid early cataracts and other eye diseases.

4 Ways to Improve Vision - Reducing Bad Habits

Eyesight can be significantly improved by following a balanced diet and active lifestyle.

Quit Smoking

A recent study has revealed that smokers are at a higher risk of getting eye disorders as compared to non-smokers. Women must quit habit of smoking as it can aggravate various eye problems like cataract, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and dry eye syndrome.

Healthy Diet

Vitamin A can considerably help improve eye vision. Women must eat a diet containing dark leafy green vegetables, bilberries, egg yolk, carrots, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, almonds, fatty fish, and corn. A healthy diet will definitely enhance eyesight.

Sun Protection

Women must take preventive measures while stepping out in sun. They can wear sun-glasses and a hat to stay safe from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

Eye Evaluation

Women suffering from health conditions like diabetes must visit an experienced ophthalmologist annually for an eye evaluation. Women should promptly seek medical attention on experiencing symptoms such as itchy eyes, dryness, double or blurry vision. Various multispecialty hospitals in Indian country offer cost-effective eye disease treatments. Therefore, patients can avail finest eye treatments under the guidance of best ophthalmologists in India.
Women’s eye health and safety month encourages them to stay active and exercise regularly for maintaining optimum eye health. Women should practice eye relaxation techniques and exercises to ensure best eye health for a long term. 


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