Different Available Options for Breast Lift Surgery in India


Breast Lift Surgery

A breast lift surgery is used to address uneven or sagging breasts with reduced volume and stretched areolas to give the breasts a different and more youthful appearance.
In case the cosmetic surgeon feels that your breasts do not have sufficient volume they may also suggest a breast augmentation or a breast reduction in case there is excess fat deposits in the breasts. This is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the world and thousands of women across the world undergo this procedure every year.

How Breast Lift surgery works?

A breast lift surgery is performed usually after childbirth or a drastic weight loss in order to reshape the breast to be proportionate to the new and slimmer body shape.
A breast lift surgery works by two basic methods. The first instance is where the breast volume is drastically reduced and requires a fat transfer or an implant to increase the size and reshape the breasts as desired by the patient. The second instance is when there is excessive fat deposit in the breasts (usually after a childbirth or a drastic loss in weight) the surgeon will require to remove the excessive fat deposits as well as tighten the loose skin to reshape the breasts while reattaching the nipples and areolas according to the newly acquired shape and size of the breasts.

Breast Lift Surgery procedures

The breast lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia to prevent discomfort to the patient. The cosmetic surgeon will then mark the pre-decided locations where incisions are needed. These are small incisions that are used to insert specialized surgical instruments. These tiny surgical instruments are used in a minimally invasive surgical procedure for a breast lift surgery.
The surgeon will use these instruments to remove the extra skin from around the breast and stretch your breast tissue into the new position. In case of breast augmentation with an implant the cosmetic surgeon will insert a breast implant made from silicone filled with sterile saline solution through these incisions and under (or over) your breast muscles.
After the surgeon is satisfied that the breast size and shape is achieved as decided they will sometimes need to relocate the nipples and areolas in accordance to the new size and shape of the breasts. The surgeon will then close these incisions with a bandage and attach a drainage tube to the incision site in order to allow any excessive accumulation of fluid to drain out from the chest area.
A day or two later the surgeon will remove the bandages from the incisions and check the nipples for adequate blood supply. A few days after the surgery tends to make the breast area feel uncomfortable and numb and the doctor will usually advise you to wear a special dressing to provide support to the breasts during the recovery period.

Who is a candidate for Breast Lift surgery?

A breast lift surgery is considered ideal for you if you are unsatisfied with the shape and size of your breasts due to their becoming less taut and saggy. The surgeon may suggest a combined breast augmentation and breast reduction procedure for reshaping the contours of the breasts to desirable one.
These are the most common indications as to why you should consider a breast lift surgery:
  • Your breasts seem inadequate in size and become pendulous.
  • Your breasts have lost firmness and are too saggy.
  • Your nipples and areolas point downwards and are located below the crease of the breast.
  • Your breasts are uneven in size and shape.
  • Your breasts differ in size from each other.
  • Your breasts seem abnormally small.
  • Your breasts are too large and need to be reduced to more normal size.
  • You have no further plans to get pregnant.
The surgeon and cosmetic specialist will consider your medical history and overall health at the time to decide of you are ready to undergo a surgery.

Benefits of Breast Lift surgery in India

  • A breast lift surgery is mostly an aesthetic procedure that involves reshaping and decreasing/increasing your breast size to suit your expectations so that you look and feel more youthful.
  • There are various benefits of a breast lift surgery such as the firm feeling in your previously sagging breasts will certainly boost your confidence and self-esteem.
  • A breast augmentation helps you get proportionate-looking breasts in case your breasts were too small or too big in size.
  • The breast lift surgery helps improve your outward appearance and gives you a more youthful appearance.
  • A breast lift surgery is performed with excellent results in the vast networks of cosmetic specialty hospitals and clinics that are situated in the major cities of India such as Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata among others.

Complications with Breast Lift surgery

A breast lift surgery is similar to any major surgical procedure and also faces the risk of certain complications that might arise out of the surgery.
These are the few uncommon risks and complications that are related to a breast lift surgery:
  • Anesthetic reaction
  • Infection at incision sites
  • Internal bleeding (hemorrhage)
  • Fluid accumulation under the skin (seroma or hematoma)
  • Scarring
  • Tissue or nerve damage
  • Blood clot
  • Unsatisfactory results of the surgery
The cosmetic surgeon and your consulting doctor will take every possible precaution to avoid giving rise to these complications.

Connect with Travcure Medical Tourism Consultants for Breast Lift surgery in India

Travcure Medical Tourism Consultants are well known for providing the best and most affordable breast lift surgery package at the best cosmetic hospitals and clinics in India. These cosmetic specialty clinics and institutes are equipped with the latest instruments in medical and surgical technology to provide the most efficient surgery to the patients. Travcure is associated with the most experienced and extensively-trained cosmetologists and cosmetic surgeons to increase the rates of successful breast lift surgery. Travcure is also known as the provider for the most cost-efficient and affordable breast lift surgery in India.
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