Outsmarting Depression

Normal peaks & valleys in life mean that everyone feels sad or has "blues" from time to time. But if emptiness and despair have taken hold of your life & won't budge, you may be having depression. But the question arises - How do you break through this phase without eve consulting a psychiatrist? Being depressed can in fact make you feel helpless.

Gets a Little Closer with Every Step
  • Get in a routine. If you’re depressed, you need a routine.
  • Start small. Make your goal something that you can succeed at, like doing the dishes every  other day.
  • Set goals. When you're depressed, you may feel like you can't accomplish anything. But  trust me, set a goal to get diverted.
  • Exercise regularly. It temporarily boosts feel-good chemicals called endorphins.

Depression affects nearly 16 million Americans annually, & a large portion of those people take antidepressant drugs. While antidepressants have been shown to help those with moderate to severe depression, they are usually less effective for those with mild depression. If you don't respond to antidepressants (or even if you do), you may want to explore nondrug remedies to lift your depression.

Depression is Curable With Naturopathy
A science-based tradition, Naturopathy promotes wellness by identifying unique aspects of each patient & then employing non-toxic natural therapies to restore his or her physiological, psychological, & structural balance. Two of the cardinal rules of naturopathy medicine – 1) treat the whole person, & 2) therapeutic order are sensible approaches.

Bio Therapeutic Drainage via UNDA Numbers 
This system of medicine from Germany, Holland, & France has been around since about the 1920’s. UNDA numbers have combinations of herbs & minerals that are system & organ specific; e.g., central nervous system, endocrine (hormones), cardiovascular, etc. The ingredients in combo essentially optimize & correct a particular system’s function. It becomes easy to correct physiology than pathology.

Thank Homeopathy

Deriving experience from several cases, doctors consider this to be the most corrective & permanent solution to mood disorder spectrum. Literally seen Homeopathy works as “miracle”, one important aspect of this treatment is that through extensive research it has been recorded what each remedy does to the mind of an individual. Besides drainage is essentially “Green Allopathy" which uses a natural substance in lieu of medication. This format of treatment can be helpful & effective as relief, but rarely permanent.

Life-Saving Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
Usually recommended when symptoms are severe or other forms of treatment are ineffective. It is a great therapy for patients who do not respond even to the high stimulation actions of antidepressants. A carefully-controlled electrical current is passed through brain, affecting the brain’s electrical activity & producing an improvement in depressive & psychotic symptoms.

With ECT, an electric current is briefly applied through the scalp to the brain, inducing a seizure. ECT is one of the fastest ways to relieve symptoms in severely depressed or patients with suicidal tendencies. It's also very effective for patients who suffer from mania or other similar mental illnesses.

  • Depression is a readily treatable illness.
  • There are many treatments available.
  • Even people with most severe & difficult to treat depressive illnesses can normally be helped.


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