Junk Food And Its Effect On Health

Bad Effects of Junk Food
Food is fuel for the body & has a direct impact on how we feel as well as on our overall health. Helping children develop healthier eating habits is proving to be a great struggle for parents all around the world. With hectic pace of life & a demanding work culture, even health conscious parents nowadays tolerate these undesirable eating habits. Junk food is a tempting option for a variety of reasons, including convenience, price & most importantly taste. Junk food is “any pre-prepared or packaged food that contains large portions of unhealthy fat & added sugar but is low in nutrition”. There are many harmful repercussions to persistent fast food eating habits, not just the inevitable weight gain. For children, who do not always understand consequences of their eating habits, junk food may appear especially appetizing leading to complications like chronic illness, low self-esteem & even depression alongside affecting their performance in school & extracurricular activities.

21st Century Woes

It is the 21st century & junk food is now available all over the world. We see it everywhere - in grocery & convenience stores, fast-food restaurants, on television - always looking very inviting & appealing. Major problem with fast food is that people don’t feel full even after consumption & which inevitably leads to over eating. So when fast food replaces real food, it leads to poor nutrition & poorer health.

Digestive System Problems of Junk Food
Affects on Digestive & Cardiovascular System

When carbohydrate intake is excessive, it causes a spike in blood sugar levels. Such frequent spikes may create causative factors for type 2diabetes. Added sugars have no nutritional value whatsoever which cause heart diseases. Trans fats, found in almost all kinds of fast food, raise the undesirable kind of cholesterol levels. Sodium holds on to water & hence too much of it can lead to puffiness & bloating due to water retention. It also causes constipation since it contains little to no fiber content. It also contributes to high blood pressure. Children who have high sodium intake are at increased risk of developing high blood pressure at an early age. Excess sodium is also a contributory factor for kidney diseases & stomach cancer. High BP & cholesterol levels are main risk factors for stroke.

Associated Respiratory System Problems

Obesity is associated with respiratory problems & treating these complaints may lead to further complications. Even without diagnosis—obesity causes episodes of shortness of breath or wheezing with slightest exertion. Obesity may even help develop sleep apnea (shallow or irregular breathing during sleep) & asthma.

Dietary Triggers on Central Nervous System

Different things cause different types of headaches. Dietary triggers that are most often found in fast food include salts, processed meats, nitrates & MSG monohydrate. Recent studies show that consumption of commercial baked foods like croissants, doughnuts & fast food may be linked to depression. People who eat fast food frequently are 51% more likely to develop depression than those who eat little to no fast food. Junk food also diminishes energy levels & ability to concentrate for longer periods of time.

Junk Food is Bad for Skin & Bones

Greasy foods are often blamed for acne but the real culprit is carbohydrates. Carbohydrate rich foods increase blood sugar which might trigger acne. Poor oral health is another problem faced when junk food consumption is in excess. Sodium increases risk of developing osteoporosis, a condition of thin, fragile bones & which is a silent disease & progresses silently with effects felt only after it has reached advanced levels.


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