Parotidectomy Surgery

Parotid glands are situated under the skin on each side of the face just in front of the ear with a portion of it going beneath the earlobe. The parotid gland is the largest of the salivary glands. Parotid glands produce saliva which enters the mouth through a duct. Saliva is vital to lubricate the mouth, help with swallowing, protects teeth against bacteria, and assist in the digestion of food. The gland can be overblown by mumps and infection. Different kinds of tumors (benign or malignant) in the Parotid gland are usually seen in all age groups. 

Diagnosis of Problem in Parotid Gland

A detailed history of the issues is taken in the initial consultation. The doctor also thoroughly analyzes the patient’s condition which is usually followed by an ultrasound scan if there is a lump.Other tests like a plain X-ray, CT, and MRI scan or a sialogram may be needed. A lip biopsy of small salivary glands may be required to identify certain autoimmune diseases.

Parotidectomy Surgery

The operation to remove the parotid lump is called a Parotidectomy. It is performed for tumors of the parotid gland and sometimes for recurrent infections of the gland. For right and low-grade malignant tumors, surgery is curable without any need for additional therapy. For other malignant tumors, surgery is usually followed by radiation therapy. Sometimes, benign or low-grade malignant tumors that have to reoccur are treated with completion of Parotidectomy Surgery and radiation therapy. It involves cutting either part or all of the parotid gland. The Parotidectomy surgery is usually done under general anesthesia, which means that the patient will be asleep throughout the process. A skin incision is built, which runs from the lead of the ear bending towards the behind of the ear just to the level of the hairline. Most surgeons vary in making the skin cut and tend to extend the cut into the neck. It is almost the same incision as that used in the face-lift surgery and has an outstanding cosmetic result. At the end of the operation, a little drain is placed through the skin to facilitate drainage of tissue and blood fluids. The skin separated is closed with stitches, and the drain is disconnected in 24 to 48 hours when we will be able to go home. Stitches will usually be removed after 6 days. 

Cost of Parotidectomy Surgery in India

A combination of many factors has led to the recent rise in popularity of medical tourism in India which includes increasing costs of healthcare in industrialized nations, ease and affordability of global travel, favorable currency exchange rates in the international economy, rapidly improving technology and proven, excellent globally sanctioned standards of care. Parotidectomy surgery and treatment is easily available in most of the top hospitals in India. People who travel to India for their surgical and medical needs can get near-by-quick-access to an endless list of quality, world-class affordable surgical and medical procedures at a highly attractive and low cost.


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