Radical Hysterectomy for Treatment of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer occurs when typical cells on the cervix grow out of control. The cervix is the lower portion of the uterus that opens into the vagina. Cervical cancer treatment can be highly successful when it is found early. It is often found at a very early stage through a Pap test.

Much cervical cancer is caused by a virus called human papilloma virus, or HPV. You can get HPV by having sexual intercourse with someone who has it. There are several kinds of the HPV virus. Not all types of HPV is responsible for cervical cancer. Some of them cause genital swelling, but other types may not cause any symptoms.


About Radical Hysterectomy

Radical hysterectomy is an operation performed to treat some cancers of the cervix. The surgeon removes the uterus and the ligaments that hold it in place in the pelvis. An inch portion of the deep vagina or the cervix surrounding the cervix are also taken out. A hysterectomy for ovarian or uterine cancer removes less tissue.

After removing the cervix, the surgeon stitches the vagina at its top. Some fluid is released from the vagina during recovery. The upper portion of the vagina soon closes up with scar tissue and get a closed tube. The vulva does not, as some women fear, grow an open tunnel into the pelvis.


Difference between Radical and Modified Radical Hysterectomy

Radical Hysterectomy

It is a surgery performed to remove the uterus, cervix, part of the vagina, and a wide area of tissues and ligaments around these organs. The ovaries, fallopian tubes, or nearby lymph nodes may also be taken out.

Modified Radical Hysterectomy: 

It is a surgery performed to remove the uterus, cervix, the upper part of the vagina, and tissues and ligaments that closely surround these organs. Nearby lymph nodes may also be separated. In this type of surgery, not as several tissues and organs are removed as in a radical hysterectomy.


Effects of Radical Hysterectomy on Bladder Function

A radical hysterectomy can influence a woman’s ability to pass urine while the nerves in the tissue around the uterus are healing from surgery. Anyhow, with new surgical techniques and nerve-sparing operation, problems like this are less common. Some surgeons may leave a catheter in place for a few days following surgery to lower urinary issues.

If a woman still cannot empty her bladder a few weeks post-surgery, she may have a long-term injury. To do urinary tract infections, she may be taught to slip a small tube, called a catheter, across the urethra and into the bladder to release out the remaining urine. It is called self-catheterizing. A few women may require doing this many times a day for the rest of their lives. If you are self-catheterizing, be sure your bladder is empty before having sexual intercourse to help block urinary tract infections or discomfort during sex.


Hysterectomy Cost

There's no one set price for a hysterectomy surgery. The hysterectomy cost depends on many factors. The medical reason for your operation is one of them. The type of hysterectomy surgery you have is another. Other things that can play a role includes, the hospital you visit, the insurance you hold, where you live, and the surgeon who does the surgery.


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