Heart Health Tips

Your heart is an incredibly hard-working muscle. The heart pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood as it contracts and expands about 100,000 times per day — which is why keeping it healthy is so important. Find out how to keep your heart in top shape.

Top 5  heart healing food

Incorporate five heart healing foods in diet:

1. Fiber 
You need 30 grams a day from fruits, veggies, beans & nuts.

2. Healthy Fats
Substitute saturated & trans-fats with olive & almond oils, avocados, omega-3 eggs. Eat small-mouth fish 3 times a week (or take a fish oil supplement).

3. Lean Protein
Eat free-range grass fed meats & poultry, low mercury seafood, beans, protein powder, tofu, plain nonfat yogurt.

4. Beneficial Beverages
Drink green tea, hot cocoa, red wine!

5. Fabulous Flavors
Use herbs & spices, garlic, dark chocolate.
Aerobic & weight-training exercise strengthens your heart & arteries. Exercise not only burns fat, it also improves blood sugar control, lowers inflammation, improves cholesterol profile, reduces stress & builds stamina.

Manage stress. Stress-induced spasms in coronary arteries can lead to heart attack, stroke, or sudden death. Reduce stress by -

·         Getting plenty of good quality sleep
·         Engaging in moments of peace & meditation
·         Enjoying loving relationships including sex, if possible
·         Exercising

Expert tips for preventing heart attack:-   

1. Calculate Risk: There is enough evidence from multiple heart disease risk studies that it is now possible to put a number on your risk of having heart disease within 10 years. The higher your risk, the more aggressive you should be in your efforts to prevent heart attack.

2. Lower “Bad” Cholesterol: If you have high LDL “bad” cholesterol, this is a high priority for controlling heart attack risk over long-term. Even if you have borderline high cholesterol but you also have some other heart disease risk factors, you must take steps to bring cholesterol levels into desirable range.

3. Improve “Good” Cholesterol: While you work on lowering bad cholesterol you should work on increasing “good” HDL cholesterol levels as well.
4. Stop Smoking: Smoking is a significant risk factor for heart disease. Even if you don’t have any other risks, smoking is bad for heart.
5. Control High Blood Pressure: You can’t feel it happening, but high blood pressure causes irreparable damage to your blood vessels over time.
6. Control Diabetes: Although the jury is out on whether controlling diabetes can significantly reduce heart disease risk, this is still an important risk factor within your control, say doctors. Remember, you can prevent or significantly reduce risk of having heart attack within the next decade by focusing on these risk factors. 

We at Travcure Medical Tourism provide low cost heart treatments in India. We are associaed with top heart surgeons in India performing advanced cardiac surgery procedures.

Enquire us at : info@travcure.com
Call Us at : +91-8600044116


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