Epilepsy: Myths Vs. Facts

What is Epilepsy?

EpilepsyEpilepsy is a neurological disorder in which the nerve cell activity in the brain becomes disrupts and causes seizures or small periods of unusual behavior, sensations and sometimes loss of consciousness. Seizure symptoms can vary widely from person to person. There are different types of epilepsy and seizures. Epilepsy drugs are prescribed to control seizures, and rarely surgery is necessary if medications are ineffective.

What causes Epilepsy?

Epilepsy can occur in any age, but it mostly occurs or starts during childhood. It is difficult to identify the specific reason behind the causes of the condition in an early age.  In some cases if the condition occur later in life it is generally associated with the damage to the brain. Epilepsy can be caused by strokes, brain tumors and severe head injuries.

Myths vs. Facts of Epilepsy

The condition of Epilepsy has some of the myths attached to it. Although epilepsy is one of the oldest medical conditions which remains wrapped in mystery and myth. What we don’t know or don’t understand typically scares us, and that’s really why it is important to separate the myths from the truths, and knowing the basics about epilepsy. Knowing the truth about the condition can make us feel at ease and safer. Following are some of the myths and truth about the condition:-

Myth: - It is a common myth that Epilepsy is a form of spiritual possession.

Fact: - Although most people recognize that epilepsy is not a form of possession but in some culture it is still believed to be a spiritual possession. But the truth is that Epilepsy is a medical condition, a disorder of the brain that causes sufferers to have recurrent seizures.

Myth: - Epilepsy is contagious.

Fact: - Epilepsy is not contagious and cannot be caught by coming into contact with the person who is suffering from the condition.

Myth: - People who are suffering from Epilepsy can swallow their tongue during a seizure.

Fact: - It is perhaps the most common myth related to Epilepsy.  The truth is that it is physically impossible to swallow the tongue.

Myth: - Epilepsy affects intelligence of the person suffering from it.

Fact: - People with epilepsy condition on an average have the same level of intelligence as compared to people without epilepsy. Learning can be difficult for the person suffering from epilepsy due to frequent seizures or due to medications side effects. The truth is that epilepsy does not cause lower intelligence.

Myth: - Something should be put in the mouth of the individual having seizure.

Fact: - Putting something in the mouth of the individual having seizure is an absolutely no! Putting something in the mouth can block the breathing passage of the person.

Myth: - Only kids are affected with epilepsy.

Fact: - Epilepsy can occur in any age. But it is more common in people over the age of 65 and common in children aged ten and under. Seizures in the elderly are often the after effect of other health problems like stroke and heart disease.

Treatment for Epilepsy in India with TRAVCURE

Majority cases of the epileptic seizures are controlled by medication. The type of treatment recommended to patients depend on several factors such as overall age of the patient, medical history, frequency and severity of the seizures. An accurate diagnosis of the type of epilepsy is also critical to choosing the best treatment. Treatment for Epilepsy is very expensive but this treatment is available in India at very affordable costs. Travcure medical tourism company provides specialized packages for Epilepsy treatment. Travcure is associated with the best world-class hospitals and clinics which are equipped with the modern and highly-sophisticated high-tech equipments. Every need of the patient is taken care of at Travcure right from their arrival till departure.


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