Pediatric Hip Dysplasia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

What is Pediatric Hip Dysplasia?
A hip is a ball-and-socket joint. In normal hips, the ball at the upper end of the thighbone fits together in the socket properly. Developmental dysplasia is a condition in which the hip joint is not formed normally. In this condition, the ball is loose in the socket and can be very easy to dislocate. Pediatric hip dysplasia is the condition in the hips joints of the babies or children’s. Hip dysplasia is most often present at the time of the birth but can develop during the time. This condition can lead to weak joints, asymmetrical or the joints can easily be dislocated.
Pediatric Hip Dysplasia

Causes of Hip Dysplasia
The exact cause of hip dysplasia is still unknown but there are various factors such as genetic and environmental factors which can trigger this condition. This condition can occur in 0.4% of all childbirths. Following are some of the factors that can lead to pediatric hip dysplasia:-
  • Insufficient intrauterine fluid.
  • Children born in breech position. 
  • Hormones that weakens the babies hip joints. 
  • Babies with a family history of hip dysplasia 
  • A tight uterus that prevents fetal movements of the child.
  • Improper swaddling techniques.
  • Oligohydroaminos condition. 

Symptoms of Hip Dysplasia in Children’s
  • Legs of different lengths.
  • Less mobility.
  • Toe walking.
  • Asymmetry.
  • Swayback.
  • Hip click.
  • Uneven skin folds on the thigh.
  • Limited range of motion.
  • Pain.

Treatment for Pediatric Hip Dysplasia
There are two approaches to treating pediatric hipdysplasia. Non-surgical treatment and surgical treatment. The type of approach used depends on the child’s overall health and severity of the condition.
Non-Surgical Treatment
Babies less than the age of 6 months are generally treated with the non-surgical method. Non-surgical treatment typically consists of bracing a baby in such a way so that his or her hips are kept in a better position for hip joint development. The goal of this treatment is to influence the natural growth processes of the baby so a more stable hip joint is developed.

Pavlik harness: - Pavlik harness is specially designed to gently position the baby’s hips so they are aligned to the joint and to secure the hip joints. Pavlik harness is generally used to treat babies from birth to six months of the age. By positioning the hips of the baby’s hips the hip joints are aligned and are stable which helps the normal growth and development of the hip joint.

Traction: - Traction is often required for Pavlik harness treatment failures or for lately diagnosed cases of hip dysplasia.

Hip Abduction Brace: - Often the dysplastic hip of a newborn baby goes back into the socket very easily because the mother’s relaxing hormones are still in the baby. Dislocated hips in newborn infants can easily be realigned. Brace or harness is used to hold the legs in the better position while the socket and ligaments become more stable this encourages normal development of the hip joint. Hip abduction braces are also commonly used immediately after following treatments which involve a spica cast. Braces help in reintroduce more range of motion to the hips while the hip is growing and becoming more stable.

Surgical Treatment for Hip Dysplasia
Closed Reduction: - Closed reduction is recommended to babies between the age of 6 and 24 months. In this procedure, the surgeon physically manipulates the hip joint to get the ball back into the socket while the baby is asleep under general anesthesia. Prior to the surgery, a few weeks of traction is given to the child to stretch and relax the ligaments.

Open Reduction: - Open reduction surgery is performed when the tissue is suspected of keeping the head of the femur from going back into the acetabulum. This surgery is recommended for children over the age of 18 months to two years or in case if the closed reduction of the hip has not been successful.

Osteotomy: - In osteotomy surgery the bones are reshaped. There are different types of the pelvic osteotomy. The type of approach used depends on the child’s shape of the socket. When the upper end of the thigh bone is reshaped, it is referred as femoral osteotomy.

Each of these procedures may be done alone, in combination, or together with a reduction. Children older than 2 years almost always need all three procedures to make the hip stable and return it to a more normal shape.

Treatment for Hip Dysplasia in India

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