Undergo Advance Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery From The Top Most Healthcare Facilities In India With Travcure

What is Endoscopic pituitary surgery?

Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery is also called as Transsphenoidal endoscopic. Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery is performed to remove pituitary tumors. The pituitary gland is located at the bottom of the brain which is on the inside of the nose. The pituitary gland is responsible for regulating most of our body's hormones. Endoscopic pituitary surgery is performed with an endoscope instrument. Endoscope instrument is a rigid tube which has a light, camera and a microscope attached to it. This instrument is inserted through the nose. The camera attached to the endoscope instrument provides the surgeon with a view on the monitor. 

Candidate for Endoscopic pituitary surgery
Ideal Candidate for Endoscopic pituitary surgery are the patients who are suffering from the following:-
        Rathke’s cleft cyst
        Pituitary adenoma.

How is Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery performed?
Endoscopic pituitary surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Prior to the night before the surgery the patients are advised not to eat or drink. Several tests are performed on the patient. Endoscopic pituitary surgery is usually performed through the nose, ears, and the throat. Generally, the surgeon places the endoscope through the nose or in some cases it is inserted through an incision under the upper lip. The endoscope is advanced until the bony wall of the sphenoid sinus is found at the back of the nose. The sphenoid sinus is opened and the scope is passed through to the back wall of the sinus. The surgeon then makes a small incision in the back wall of the sinus. The surgeon can also use Magnetic resonance imagining to take the images of the pituitary area using a computer and magnets during the surgery which helps the surgeon to guide. When the endoscope is entered in the pituitary area the neurosurgeon removes the pituitary tumor in small pieces. The surgeon removes the endoscope when all the parts of the tumor that can be reached have been removed.

Risk and Complications in Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery
Endoscopic pituitary surgery is a safe surgical procedure, but there are some risk and complications that can occur while the surgery is performed:-
  • Bleeding: - While performing the surgery there are chances that bleeding can occur.
  • CSF Rhinorrhea: - Cerebrospinal fluid, is the fluid that surrounds the brain, which can leak from the nose after surgery. In some cases, another surgical procedure may be needed to repair this leak.
  • Visual problems: - The nerves that supply vision are close to the area of the pituitary gland which can be damaged during the surgery.
  • Reaction to anesthesia:-It is one the most common type of risk that can arise while performing the surgery.
  • Damage to normal parts of the pituitary gland: - The normal parts of the pituitary gland can also be damaged during the surgery which may require hormone replacement after surgery.
  • Severe bleeding: - Persistent bleeding and heavy bleeding in the brain or from nose can occur if a large blood vessel is damaged during surgery.
  • Meningitis: - Meningitis is a type of infection that occurs in the membrane lining the brain and spinal cord.
  • Diabetes insipidus: - While performing the surgery if the part of the pituitary gland which helps control urination is damaged then it may lead to frequent urination and thirst.
Why choose Travcure for Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery?
Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery is an advanced treatment to treat problems in the pituitary tumor. This surgery is available in India at very expensive rates whereas in India these surgery is available at feasible costs. India is known for its medical facilities and tourism which is the reason why many patients from different parts of the world visit India for medical treatment and combine it with tourism. Travcure medical tourism company is a globally reputed medical tourism company known for providing the best medical treatments to patients at a possible reasonable cost. Travcure has one of the best and largest networks of associated healthcare facilities and professionals. Patients who are looking for medical treatments at affordable costs, Travcure helps them with the best packages for their surgery at the most affordable costs.


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